The 'no code' entry into Al for your company.
Discovers hidden and more accurate patterns improving results from your data.
For customers wanting to augment existing or implement AI as a new business tool. For companies using AI and looking to improve its accuracy.
Ideal as a starting point.
Adds recommendations and / or suggested actions to the filtered data ‘Discovered’.
Customers either don’t have the ability or are seeking to improve their ability, to act on the data produced by ‘Discovery’.
Ideal for customers looking for new ideas and refinements.
Automatic actions additions, updates and new discoveries that are critical business requirements.
Business seeking an autonomous way to react faster and more efficiently to changing business needs in fast moving markets with real time data.
Excels with minimal source data.
Capturing human knowledge, optimising its application and learning from it is a process we call Human Artificial Intelligence. This means being able to adjust the processes according the prevailing conditions, data and information.
It means that a very clever predictive tool that wins a game of chess is not capable of driving a car or operating a robot.
Changing data forms the basis for Azaries Spark. For example, predicting when the weather will change as it relies on real time data which often means different things at different times of year.
Staying ahead and managing that data is a crucial process. We call it Azaries Spinning.
Whether its a 'neural network', a 'machine learning' process or any other of the techniques, it is the culmination of results in comparative form that determines the most successful outcome. After all there's no point in using results that miss the mark. We believe in 'red' light, 'green' light simplicity.
Contact us to see how Azaries can improve the accuracy of your planning, speed up your decision making and optimise your AI or Non AI processes.
Expert knowledge captures creativity, skills, and information. To speed the learning process, HAI captures human knowledge for ultimate advantage. AI’s starting point is then established.
For example, an experienced technician’s knowledge of clinical diagnosis is used as the AI starting point.Massive speed and breadth increase. HAI takes accuracy further because once AI results are reviewed, they are fed again into the AI engine, the HAI loop.
Examples of the desired result. Azaries uses observed and example results that are the most applicable starting point for a specific application.
For example, in weather observations, high-pressure results in fine sunny weather.
‘High pressure’ also means different results at differing times of year: warm and sunny in summer and crisp and cold in winter. Key influences that cause high pressure are then identified.
Azaries uses an ‘Ensemble’ of AI techniques and data sources. Called resource spinning, Azaries selects the data sources most applicable to make predictions that may also be continuously changing.
For example, stock volatility. The data used to select predictions is in constant flux.
Spinning the resources means optimal adjustments improve the accuracy of results. All techniques are monitored to ensure the most effective and efficient selection as data and behaviour change.